Courtesy of Don27Dog of Uzisuicide
Changing the color of your bbs name when connecting.
Double click inside of Dopus.
Edit line BBS_NAME=
AMIKIT (When editing with amikit)
Left Windows key Esc, editing the .info with dopus works.
(To produce the esc character inside of amikit)
Real Amiga Hardware (When editing with real Amiga hardware)
(To produce the esc character on a real Amiga)
BBS_NAME=esc[1;32;44m YOUR BBS NAME esc[0m
Ansi Codes
Text attributes
0 All attributes off
1 Bold on
4 Underscore (on monochrome display adapter only)
5 Blink on
7 Reverse video on
8 Concealed on
Foreground colors
30 Black
31 Red
32 Green
33 Yellow
34 Blue
35 Magenta
36 Cyan
37 White
Background colors
40 Black
41 Red
42 Green
43 Yellow
44 Blue
45 Magenta
46 Cyan
47 White
Good Luck!