Editing Users From Logged on Session

The name says it all!
Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:20 pm

  • Hey guys,

    My BBS is running on a laptop in our garage / car port so it is not always easy for me to check up on it locally every day to edit new users etc. I remember being able to do this while logged on one of the nodes. Does anyone remember the commands for this and is it native or was it a door I installed? I could probably read the manual, but again, I have to go down to the garage to do that.

    Posts: 5
    Joined: Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:15 pm

  • You can use the (1) key to edit user accounts at a menu prompt.
    I would recommend installing adn-validate for a few reasons.
    1. Auto-validate with a password you can provide to new users.
    You can even include it on your welcome message.
    2. You can edit accounts and view questionnaire from a menu prompt.

    Things that suck about it.
    Questions are hard coded, but they are standard questions from back in the day for elite bbs systems.
    Make sure to change this line to the following below:

    Set to 0 to use the traditional script form for the questionairre, or to 1 to use the new-age form (MCI commands) questionairre; defualts to 1 if left out. (I know questionairre is improperly spelled, but that is the way it works in the door.)

    Some users cannot view mci commands properly, and will just hangup.

    Good Luck!

    Black Beard
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    Black Beard
    Posts: 49
    Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:17 pm

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