Amiexpress Common Errors

The name says it all!
Thu May 08, 2014 12:19 pm

  • Here are some errors I come across in setting up amiexpress /x 4.12 - 4.20.
    I had a lot of headaches trying to sort this out and some help from Don Dog of Uzi Suicide.
    Thanks Don!

    Fatal Error Under Nodes - ACP Panel
    Something is wrong with your confs.
    You probably have a number of 5 confs listed in but only have 4 directories.

    Blank Nodes
    Express executable cannot be found by
    It is usually stored in the BBS: directory.

    Error Message: System is Locked Please inform Sysop
    You will see this error message when uploading a file.
    Most likely an upload type directory is missing from your confs.
    Upload, Partupload, Hold, Lcfiles

    LHA return code 20
    You will see this error message when a file has been uploaded and the file_id.diz process is checking the file.
    If you are running Byteandi file_id.diz, please make sure your BBS:fcheck directory is empty.
    You should not be running two different file processors.

    Always make sure your door isn't missing any files.
    Always read the docs to make sure some BBS stripper hasn't removed any necessary files.
    Sometimes you will see a backup lha file inside the archive.
    Sometimes a door file could be just missing a data directory inside of it's bbs:doors/doorname/data and cannot create the data files needed.
    This has happened a lot to sceptic last callers doors and some others.
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