Strange keyboard entry

Amiga Emulation WINUAE Help
Tue Jun 11, 2019 6:26 pm

  • Hey Folks. Like many, I have installed Amiexpress (5.0) within an AMiga Forever (winuae) emulator.
    With the exception of understanding the BBS Frontdoor setup using doors, and doors in general, everything is working well.
    When I access AmiExpress via PuTtY or SyncTerm I must make 3 keypresses for each letter I input. Since logging in locally works fine, I assume its either Amiga Forever OR telnetd. Are there settings for telnetd I am missing? When I access by other board running Mystic, I don't need triple keypresses.

    Amiexpress is a mighty steep learning curve for me (I used TransAMiga back in the day)

    Any Ideas?

    Mickey to give it a try.
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    Location: Remote Central Ontario Canada

Sun Jan 12, 2020 1:32 pm

  • Sorry for the late reply.
    How many nodes are you running?
    I have seen nodes and key strokes act funny when you go over 2-3 nodes, or something in the config is off.
    Make sure telnetd is set at 19200

    Let me know the results.
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    Black Beard
    Posts: 49
    Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:17 pm

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